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At Mackay Baptist, our desire is to be “passionate about loving God and loving others“. In my time here at MBC, it’s been my experience that this is true and I invite you to join with us in our mission. With God’s help, we desire that people of all ages can experience Christian community, discover what it means to know God in a personal way, make new and meaningful relationships and find help and encouragement for the challenges that face them in daily life.

Jesus’ greatest desire is to be in relationship with people, no matter what their background or where they’ve come from in life. C.S Lewis, writes, “God doesn’t want something from us, He simply wants us.” And, it was Jesus who said:

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” Let anyone who hears this say, “Come.” Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires, drink freely from the water of life. – Revelation 22:17 NLT

MBC is made up of so many nations from all over the world. With so many people of different nationalities, languages and cultures all praising God together, it’s like a foretaste of what’s yet to come. Our goal as a church is to celebrate our diversity and embrace what we share in common, through honoring our Creator who became flesh to die on our behalf.

It is my prayer and my hope that God will use MBC to create in you a deep connection to Jesus, and a deep connection with other faith followers.

MBC has a lot to offer families, singles, young and old, so if you are seeking more information about the church or about Christianity in general, I invite you to explore our website or to make contact with us if you have a question or need.

Pastor Scott Jones